Nottingham’s city-wide climate assembly - your invitation to get involved

You are invited to join a ‘Supporter’s Meeting’ where members of Nottingham Climate Assembly (NCA) will update you on their progress in organising a Nottingham City Climate Assembly. In addition, NCA will share with you, the activities being developed to create strong citizens' engagement with the project and reach all of the diverse communities that make up our City.  

Progress to reduce carbon emissions and restore bio-diversity cannot be the job of governments alone. Understanding of the issues in our communities and how people can engage with them is limited and needs to grow. This meeting provides a unique opportunity to explore different ways of engaging people towards the consensus required for effective action on climate and sustainability.

We need your help and support to make this project a success. Join us to find out more, and learn how you could play a part in changing how our City approaches the various challenges ahead of us.

When. Saturday, 21 September 2024

Time. 2pm - 4pm

Where. YMCA Community Centre, 61b Mansfield Road, Notts, NG1 3FN

We look forward to welcoming you.

The Nottingham Climate Assembly team


‘Why Not Scotland?’ documentary, pizza & chat with Nottingham Youth Climate Assembly


Age 16-25, & passionate about the sustainable future of food in Nottingham?